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Habits that I got over time

  • Life

Habits are fascinating aspects of our lives, shaping our routines and reflecting our preferences. Some habits serve us well, while others may hinder our progress. By becoming aware of our habits, we gain the power to change them and create positive shifts in our lives.

Lately, I’ve realized I have some really weird habits. And you know what? When I told my friends about them, they were like, “Oh my gosh, I do that too!” It’s crazy how we all have these quirks. So, I thought it would be fun to make a list of these hilarious behaviors.

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Feeling Alone and Lonely

  • Life

Ah, this alone phase again… As the rainy season begins, that familiar sense of emptiness and loneliness returns. In my younger years, I found solace in the rain, unleashing my creativity through sketching people and places, followed by painting or inking my drawings. But now, it feels different—rather melancholic. I can’t help but acknowledge the clichéd nature of it all, but it somehow aligns with my current mood.

The impending return to the office feels like a burden, and I find myself dreading the days ahead. The self-loathing intensifies during my shifts and lingers as I return home to an empty house. Although I’ve grown accustomed to this solitude, feeling alone still manages to sting occasionally.

To combat the loneliness, I’ve been contemplating getting a pet. My options are either adopting a cat or waiting for my brother to potentially give me a puppy from their planned breeding. I’ve volunteered to provide a loving home for any unwanted puppies that may arise.

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