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Feeling Alone and Lonely

  • Life

Ah, this alone phase again… As the rainy season begins, that familiar sense of emptiness and loneliness returns. In my younger years, I found solace in the rain, unleashing my creativity through sketching people and places, followed by painting or inking my drawings. But now, it feels different—rather melancholic. I can’t help but acknowledge the clichéd nature of it all, but it somehow aligns with my current mood.

The impending return to the office feels like a burden, and I find myself dreading the days ahead. The self-loathing intensifies during my shifts and lingers as I return home to an empty house. Although I’ve grown accustomed to this solitude, feeling alone still manages to sting occasionally.

To combat the loneliness, I’ve been contemplating getting a pet. My options are either adopting a cat or waiting for my brother to potentially give me a puppy from their planned breeding. I’ve volunteered to provide a loving home for any unwanted puppies that may arise.

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Hobbies — Slowly going back to it

  • Life

In my younger days, I was an adorable little kid with a multitude of talents and hobbies, or so I’d like to think! After school, I would dedicate my time to playing the piano and guitar, immersing myself in the melodies until my fingers could no longer bear it. On those days when music didn’t capture my interest, my dad would take me to the local pool, where I would swim laps until exhaustion set in.

And on the occasions when I sought solace within the confines of my home, I would diligently practice and refine my drawing skills. Those were days filled with endless exploration and growth.

I remember uttering those words with excitement when I was still in school, eagerly looking forward to the endless possibilities of summer. However, as I’ve grown older, my interests and hobbies have undergone a significant transformation.

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